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8 Creative Ways to Plant a Vertical Herb Garden & Have Fresh Herbs on Hand

Are you thinking about starting an herb garden but aren’t sure how to fit it into your small space or keep it from getting in the way? Not to worry–many people have found that creating a garden that grows up and not out is a fabulous option when trying to keep fresh herbs on hand. 

Instead of limiting the herbs in your garden due to lack of space, consider trying one of the awesome and creative vertical gardens we have listed below.

8 Creative Ways to Plant a Vertical Herb Garden

There is no limit to the ideas you can come up with when putting together a convenient and practical indoor herb garden. Here are eight DIY vertical garden ideas you choose from…or combine a couple to put your own unique spin on things!

1. Rustic Wooden Wall Slats

Here’s a great way to upcycle old wooden boards to create a rustic, country herb garden that looks great in any room and makes grabbing your favorite fresh herbs easier than ever. If you want more space in your vertical planter, try hanging a pallet on the wall and creating your own pallet herb garden.

2. Mason Jar Herb Garden

Mason jars are always great to have on hand because you can use them for so many different things. One fun way to use these glass jars is to make a see-through herb garden. This option might be fun to do with kids or as a way to bring a little nature into the home.

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Mason jars can be placed on floating shelves, attached to wooden slats, or hung in beautiful macrame plant hangers.

3. Pop Bottle Garden

If you want a great way to help the planet and eliminate plastic waste entering our landfills, try utilizing your old 2-liter pop bottles to create nifty and versatile herb gardens that can hang in front of your window out of the way.

4. Colorful Terracotta

The natural color of terracotta is beautiful by itself, but the best part of this particular pot is how easy it can be to paint them and make them your own. Decorate small terracotta plant pots and make them match your decor, or use chalk paint to label them. This makes it easy to find what you are looking for at a glance.

You can line these pots up on a shelf or stack them in a vertical line near a sliding glass door.

5. Hanging Pots

What better way to keep your herbs out of the way and easily accessible than by hanging them in front of the window!

Using curtain rods, some rope, and a few sturdy planter pots, growing a great hanging herb garden inside your home couldn’t be easier. This is also a great way to keep your plants in direct sunlight, helping them grow thick and full.

6. Ladder Planter

Another way to do a little upcycling is by turning an old wooden ladder into a fabulous, vibrant vertical herb garden. 

Use this option to show your true artistic self by adding an array of pot styles, colors, and sizes to spice up your kitchen or patio and provide access to great herbs all year round.

7. Wall Planter Boxes

Having an indoor herb garden doesn’t mean you have to have tons of little pots or hanging baskets all over the room. You can easily use garden boxes on the windowsill or close by to give yourself a beautiful nature view and fresh herbs that give off a delicious aroma. 

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You can use these planters in one, three, or even six rows. There is no limit to the size of your garden because you are utilizing wasted space.

8. Wall Pocket Planters

The phrase “go big or go home” doesn’t have to apply here. A simple way to get a vertical herb garden without investing in a ton of materials or space is by purchasing a wall pocket planter that holds each herb separately and conveniently.

These planters are great for keeping your plants separated while still confining them to a small area. 

Tips for Using Herb Wall Planters

Wall planters are popular, and you can use them for herb gardens located inside the house. Indoor vertical herb gardens are often seen inside apartments or condos as well as on patios and porches. 

Although herbs are fairly hardy and require little maintenance, there are a few things that are important to keep in mind when growing herbs in a vertical garden.

Make Sure the Garden Is Near a Window

Everyone knows plants need sunlight, but what do you do if you live in a basement apartment or somewhere surrounded by trees with little to no natural sunlight? 

Just because you don’t have tons of access to the sun doesn’t mean you are out of luck. Thankfully, grow lights are available just for this purpose. These lights closely mimic the light given off by the sun to help your plants thrive.

Save on Water

One amazing benefit of a vertical garden is that gravity works for you and can help you save on water as you utilize the water leaking from the bottom of your potted herbs.

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If you create a vertical planter where the pots are right on top of each other, you can overfill the top plant when watering, and the excess will drip down the line.

Use Plenty of Support

One of the downsides of growing vertical gardens indoors is that they require plenty of support. While herbs are pretty small plants and relatively light, the weight significantly increases once you add more pots to the structure, add soil, then pour on the water.

If your vertical garden is not strong enough, you are at risk of finding quite the mess on your floor one day.

Keep It Out of Harm’s Way

Again, vertical planters have a much higher chance of falling and getting destroyed. If you have any children or pets running around, make sure the garden is not where they can play with it and potentially destroy it.

Plants hanging from the ceiling can be seen as a fun way to pass the time for your cat, who might like batting them back and forth. Fun, colorful pots in close range are a disaster waiting to happen around little children.

Make It Fit You

Because there are so many great ways to make a vertical herb garden, choose the option that best suits who you are. Make sure it fits in well with your decor and matches your style. 

Are you an artistic person who appreciates colors and patterns? Use the terracotta plants to make your creations and let your personality shine. Are you more conventional and modern? Use plain white plant pots and place them on a dark-stained wood ladder.

Summing Things Up

Everyone should have the ability to grow fresh, luscious herbs no matter where they live or the amount of space they have. Thanks to vertical gardens, anyone can have fresh herbs on hand all the time.