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Lavender Plant Care Indoor – 7 Must-Know Tips

Lavender Plant Care Indoor – 7 Must-Know Tips

If you are interested in adding a lavender plant to your home decor, you are making a great decision. Growing lavender indoors will give you ideal plants for any home. With a lavender flower’s fantastic fragrance, beautiful color, and health benefits, you simply can’t go wrong.

However, before you go running to the nursery to grab a plant – or try to grow lavender indoors yourself – there are a few things you should really know about the Lavender plant that will help you provide the best care for your new flowery friend.

In this article, we will discuss why lavender plants are great for your home, easy to maintain, and beneficial for your mental and physical health.

Lavender Plant Care Indoor

Lavender plants grow with minimal problems outdoors, especially in warm temperatures where there is plenty of sunlight.

However, it can still be a great option as an indoor plant as long as you follow all of the proper steps for growing your lavender and caring for it.

The Great Thing About Lavender

There are many benefits to growing lavender inside your home, regardless if you’re interested in a French lavender, English lavender, or a Spanish lavender. Whether you are looking for the perfect addition to home decor or an amazing natural sweet aroma that will last all year round, you won’t be disappointed in your lavender’s performance around the house.

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Relaxing and Calming Components

For many years, people have traditionally used lavender leaves to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Research shows that the smell of lavender passing through your nose sends a stress-reducing single to your brain.

(Side note: It has also been said that lavender may have skin benefits, possibly aiding in eczema, acne, and inflammation.)

Teas and Sweets

You can grow lavender and then dry out the leaves to make yourself a delicious cup of calming, tasty tea at any time.

Lavender also pairs with all your favorite desserts, offering a subtle yet sweet, delicious flour flavor to ice cream, hot cholate, coffee, cakes, etc.


The lavender plant is a beautiful sight, whether inside a pot or out in the wild. This plant grows tall, showcasing long green steam, with little lavender, purple leaflets spouting along the top, making it an amazing way to decorate just about any room.

These are only a very few reasons everyone should consider growing lavender around their home. However, this plant offers many more advantages you should definitely look into.

7 Must-know Tips About Lavender Plants Care

If we’ve convinced you to grow an indoor lavender plant (which we probably have), you are going to want a few tips and tools in order to do it right. Luckily for you, we have all the information you need to keep your lavender healthy and thriving.

1. Find the Perfect Pot

While any pot will do as long as it offers enough holes for proper drainage, a terracotta plant is ideal for lavender. These work better because they maintain the right conditions no matter the temperature outside the pot.

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During the summer, terracotta will keep cool and retain moisture, keeping your plant from drying out. During the winter, these pots will retain heat, keeping your plant from succumbing to the cold.

2. Plenty of Sunlight

Lavender requires plenty of sunlight to grow. Without enough sunlight, the plant will weaken and stop producing flowers.

Give your plant at least four hours of sunlight each day and rotate the pot about once a week to get even growth.

During the summer, it would be beneficial for you to take the pot outside for the day. Sitting it on the porch will give it all the access it needs to the most natural source of light available.

3. Never Over (or Under Water)

Drench your lavender with water, and then do not water again until the soil starts to look like it is drying out. However, make sure the pot is draining correctly; if too much water builds up at the bottom, it can cause root rot, which will eventually kill your plant.

On the other hand, you should never let the soil completely dry; lavender needs moisture at all times to thrive.

It is also critical you do not water your lavender directly onto the plant itself; make sure you give it a nice big drink directly on the root.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Prune Your Plants

Pruning your lavender flowers is good for the plant; it will increase sprouting and the thickness of the flowers.

This also gives you the opportunity to utilize the flowers for all the reasons we mentioned at the beginning of the article.

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5. Fertilizing Your Plant

Fertilizing your plants a few times a month during the spring and summer seasons is a good way to maintain growth by adding nutrients to the soil. Using a water-soluble, all-purpose fertilizer is going to be your best bet.

6. Upgrade Your Pot

As long as your lavender is healthy, it will continue to grow taller and wider, and this means the pot it is currently in will eventually become too small, giving the roots nowhere to go and can stunt the growth of your plant.

You might also start to see roots growing out of the pot’s drainage holes if it is becoming too small; that is another indication it is time for rehoming.

You will probably have to consider changing out the pot once a year to promote healthy growth and plenty of space.

7. Keep Everyone Safe

Lavender contains the toxin linalool, which can be harmful if consumed in a massive quantity. So, unless your child, dog, cat, or anyone, plans on eating the entire plant, it probably won’t cause any dangers to you.

However, you should always factor in the safety of the lavender plant when finding a proper space. You don’t want your pets or children handling it too often or knocking over the pot.

Summing Things Up

While lavender may not be the easiest plant to grow indoors, it isn’t one of the hardest we have ever seen either, and the benefits and beauty of these plants make all the work more than worth it.