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How to Choose Stylish Grow Lights for Indoor Plants That Will Suit Your Needs

Stylish Grow Lights for Indoor Plants

Having an indoor garden is beneficial for many different reasons. You can grow easy-to-access herbs and vegetation, it can double as natural decor, and it can bring a bit of fresh air to your space. However, to maintain the health and growth of each indoor plant you possess, you should rely on a grow light.

If you are concerned about the way your plant grow light might interfere with the style and design of your room – whether you have an LED grow light, a natural light, or some fluorescent lights – you will be happy to hear there are tons of different options available that are stylish, trendy, and versatile, fitting perfectly into all types of spaces.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Stylish Indoor Grow Light

There is a whole slew of things to consider when choosing the best grow light for your indoor garden. These grow lights are essential for a growing plant in a healthy and lavish garden.

Grow lamps are designed with bulbs that produce a light spectrum similar to the sun, providing plants the same benefits of natural lighting even when indoors.

Because there are so many fantastic products on the market today, you won’t have to worry about having an LED grow light that is big and bulky or disrupts your decor.

When considering a light source for your indoor garden – like an LED light or a blue light – there are a few main features to keep in mind.

Purple grow light

1. Design

There are tons of design options ideal for a fully functional and successful indoor garden that is versatile and will fit in with any decor, and they can work with nearly any setup and space.


Hanging grow lights are some of the most popular products on the market. These indoor grow lights come in multiple styles and designs and can be very discrete if that is important to you.

These lights are typically suspended above indoor gardens with wires or chains to provide a secure hold and allow the user to choose the distance between the lamp and the plants.

Clamp Lamps

Lamps come in all shapes and sizes and can be as simple and easy as clamping to the edge of a table or the side of any shelf.

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These lamps look very similar to night lamps that can clamp to your headboard and allow you to read in bed.

A clamping lamp is often very flexible, providing complete coverage to your garden.

Freestanding Lamp

Freestanding lamps come in some of the most unique and stylish designs. These lamps frequently come attached to the plant pot or container, making it one entire unit. This helps provide adequate lighting without going out and purchasing a separate accessory for your garden.

Some of these lamps can be separate features and can tilt and lean to give you the desired angle your houseplants need.

Adjustable Lighting Fixture

If you have a smaller single plant, succulents, or a tiny herb garden, you can purchase some pretty stylish grow lights that literally sit right inside the pot by sticking them into the soil for a stronghold.

Tripod Floor Lamp

The tripod floor lamp is exactly as it sounds; it stands on the floor and has tripod footing to keep it sturdy and secure.

These are great options if you have a large space to cover or need light to reach tall plants, trees, or shrubs. Most tripod floor lamps are easily adjustable for all your height needs.

2. Types of Plants

Before choosing the best lamp for your indoor plants, you need to have a pretty good understanding of how much light they actually require. There are three main types of plants when it comes to specific lighting requirements.

The amount of light each garden needs will play a huge role in the type of light fixture you buy, especially when it comes to the timer option and the type of bulbs inside the lamp.

Short-day Plants

Short-day plants are also known as long-night plants and require less time under the sun. Short-day plants will not flower if they are exposed to sunlight during the critical dark period, which means it is essential to keep your lights on a consistent and strict schedule.

Short-day plants typically flower in early spring and autumn when there isn’t as much daylight.

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Some examples of short-day plants include:

  • Chrysanthemum
  • Soybean
  • Rice
  • Violet
  • Onion
  • Christmas cactus
  • Poinsettia

Long-day plants

Unlike short-day plants, long-day plants require more time under the lights. These plants thrive during later spring and summer when daylight hours are longer.

Some examples of long-day plants include:

  • Peas
  • Sugar beets
  • Cabbage
  • Wheat
  • Radishes
  • Spinach
  • Henbane

Day-neutral plants

Day-neutral plants have very little preference regarding the hours of light required for optimal growth and will bloom no matter how long daylight lasts.

Some examples of day-neutral plants include:

  • Potatoes
  • Cotton
  • Cucumbers
  • Chili peppers
  • Corn

3. Timer

Most modern, quality grow lamps come equipped with an automatic timer that makes it easy to stay on top of your garden’s lighting needs. Many of them can be set from the timer device, or you can completely control all aspects of it from your smartphone or remote control.

If the grow light you really like doesn’t come with a timer, don’t let that be a deal-breaker; you can actually purchase separate timers for your grow light, giving you the ability to pick the lighting source that makes you happy.

4. Types of Bulbs

While the types of light bulbs you use in your grow lamps may not add to the product’s attractiveness, it is important for adequate growth and optimal health.

Here are four main types of light bulbs that can be used in your grow lights for indoor plants that will aid in all stages of plant life.

LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes)

LED lights are the most recent form of plant grow lights on the market. This product utilizes high light intensity while emitting less heat, keeping the bulbs from scorching your plants.

Fluorescent Bulbs

Fluorescent light bulbs are one of the most popular options available. The lighting is full-spectrum, which is similar to light from the sun. These fluorescent lights are ideal for all stages of plant growth. If you are looking for lighting just for germination or vegetation growth, you can go for the cheaper, basic fluorescent bulbs. Just keep in mind that these will not aid in flowering.

High-Intensity Discharge Bulbs (HIDs)

HID bulbs are ideal for a commercial garden setting. They contain electrodes and gas-filled bulbs that produce extremely bright lighting for large garden spaces.

Incandescent Light Bulbs

While incandescent light bulbs are not ideal, they are the most affordable options and are easy to find. Incandescent lights provide plenty of light and produce extremely high temperatures, posing a threat to scorching your leaves.

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Remember to check the specs on the grow light bulb you decide to use. Each will produce a specific amount of heat, light, and properties that will be suitable during all different stages of plant growth.

5. The Size of the Unit

Four cacti under grow lamp

If you want the grow light to enhance the look of your space, you have to make sure it fits comfortably. A large hanging lamp hovering over a few small succulents will make the display look uneven and the lamp seem overwhelming.

A small lamp sitting next to a large plant will not only seem illogical, but it will also look very odd and not very stylish.

Choose a lamp that will benefit and aid in the growth of your plants and also look attractive, adding to the essence of the room.

6. Grow Light Accessories

Lastly, take a look at all of the grow light accessories available today that can give your indoor garden that modern look everyone loves while simultaneously maintaining your plants.

There are many beneficial accessories to choose from that will make your life easier and your potted plants stylish.

  • Smart grow light wireless controller – These wireless controllers are used to turn your grow lights on and off at the touch of a button or directly from your phone.
  • Surge protector with timer – Surge protectors are extremely important, especially if you are using a large grow light or one with very high wattage. 
  • Heavy-duty grow light hangers – Utilizing grow light hangers can help you place your grow lights almost anywhere you want, giving you the flexibility to make the ideal indoor garden design.
  • Indoor grow tent – Indoor garden grow tents are extremely useful when growing crops, especially out of season, and they can create a unique and even futuristic look in any room.
  • Grow light dimmer – Some plants will benefit from different lighting throughout the day or in different seasons. A grow light dimmer makes it easy to switch up your lighting option without using different products or bulbs.

Final Thoughts

There is a vast selection of grow lights available to choose from on the market today, making it easy for anyone growing indoor plants to design a setup that not only aids in healthy plant growth but also looks great while doing it.