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Philodendron Moonlight Care – Beautiful Easy Care Indoor Plant

Philodendron Moonlight Care – Beautiful Easy Care Indoor Plant

A Philodendron Moonlight plant can bring a tropical splash of scenery into any area of your home or office, as long as there are windows around. It is an easy to grow and easy to maintain plant that is becoming an increasingly popular house plant option.

In this article, we are going to help you bring out all of the beauty of your Philodendron Moonlight, with expert tips and advice to create a perfect environment for your plant to thrive.

What is a Philodendron Moonlight and Where Did It Come From?

The Philodendron Moonlight plant is a fast-growing, tall, green plant from the Araceae family. This plant has the ability to reach up to 20-feet tall if given the opportunity and all the right conditions.

This plant is often seen potted indoors due to its unusual growth process and its array of natural green and yellow waxy, glassy leaf colors. This mixture of color comes from the combination of its mother and father as this is a hybrid plant.

As a baby plant, the leaves start to form in a heart-shape pattern, eventually growing out into longer, larger, leaves and will eventually produce fabulous flowers.

The Philodendron Moonlight comes from the dense tropical and subtropical areas located all around Central America and South America, making it a heat hardy plant.

7 Easy Care Tips for The Philodendron Moonlight

If you are looking for easy tips to care for a Philodendron Moonlight plant, you have come to the right place. Here, we will discuss the who, when, where, why, and how of these plants, giving you enough knowledge to do it all on your own.

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1 – Temperature and Lighting

Because the Philodendron Moonlight originates in subtropical or tropical locations, this plant loves the heat, growing very well in rooms that maintain the temperatures around 65°F-80°F.  Although, it can get much warmer without your plant struggling to survive.

While extra warmth isn’t going to cause any issues with your Philodendron, allowing it to get too cold can have devastating effects, stunting the plants growth and causing serious damage. To avoid this issue, never place your plant in any location that drops below 50°F.

When trying to find the right location to place this plant, try a shaded windowsill or a bookshelf located right near one. This is going to give your Philodendron plenty of indirect sunlight that will replicate the natural light it would see while growing underneath the canopy of its tropical homeland.

2 – Humidity

Humidity is a very good friend to the Philodendron, and giving it as much humidity as possible will allow the plant to reach its full potential and grow to a healthy, happy size.

A great way to add a little extra humidity into a room is simply by purchasing a humidifier, or you can try the stones on a slate trick.

Place stones into a pan or plate and add water covering the stones just to the top, then place the plant pot right on top of these stones.

3 – Water

Of course, water is essential for every living being. The Philodendron doesn’t really require as much as other plants. To give this guy just enough water to let it drink but not overdo it, you should only pour enough water into the soil so it is wet but not overly soaked.

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These plants will develop a debilitating disease, root rot, if overwatered. Root rot happens when a plant’s roots are submerged for too long in still water, not allowing any oxygen to the roots. These roots will then die and form a mold that will eventually affect the entire plant and kill it.

A good rule of thumb is to watch the soil and, when it is completely dry, give it a drink. Never soak it.

4 – Soil

The Moonlight Philodendron likes acidic soil and does very well in a loose, well-draining material that can provide plenty of air and oxygen to the roots. Find a quality potting soil full of perlite or peat moss, giving your plant a good amount of drainage.

You may also want to consider adding quality organic matter into the potting soil; this is going to give your heavy feeder all of the key nutrients it requires.

5 – Pruning

Although a Philodendron doesn’t technically need pruning for any essential reason, it can benefit from a trim up here and there. You can easily remove yellowing leaves or overgrowth by trimming them away at the base, allowing room for new leaves to bloom.

Always use a well-made pair of sharp scissors or pruning shears in order to cut the plant in a healthy manner, not causing any unwanted damage.

6 – Re-potting

Like all indoor plants, the Moonlight Philodendron is going to grow throughout the year and will require new pots once they outgrow their current home.

You will most likely only need to replace your pot every one-to-two years, and it is essential to replace the soil as well. The plant doesn’t do very well with the salt residue left over from watering that settles in the soil; without replacing your soil, the plant colors will start to fade, and the leaves may end up drooping.

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Once you decide to re-pot, find a good planter that is about two-to-three inches bigger than the original one.

7 – Propagating

Propagating a Philodendron is actually pretty simple. All you need to do is locate a stem that has two or three healthy leaves, cut it right below the leaf node, and place it in a small pot with fast-draining soil, caring for it like you would the adult plant.

Are Philodendron Moonlight Plants Toxic?

Although you don’t want your pets eating your plants for a variety of reasons, not wanting them to be poisoned won’t have to be one of them. This plant isn’t going to cause any serious harm if your cat or dog chews on the leaf.

However, the sap can cause irritation to the skin, so you may want to consider wearing a pair of gloves when handling it.

Things to Watch For

The Philodendron is susceptible to a few different problems, limiting its growth, damaging its leaves, and even killing it.

Watch out for any insect activity, especially thrips and spider mites, as these are a big problem for many plant owners.

Other common issues in this plant are root rot (as mentioned above) and leaf spots, where mold begins to form and causes black spots on the plant, causing it to die.

Summing Things Up

The Philodendron Moonlight plant is an excellent option for anyone who wants to spice up their patio, den, or office space. With the right amount of light and well-draining soil, this plant will thrive in just about any location.