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Monstera Siltepecana Care & Growing Guide

Monstera Siltepecana Care

Monstera is a very popular species of plant, with the Monstera deliciosa being the most commonly found type in a plant lover’s home. However, there are so many other types of Monstera plants that look different and can bring a unique quality to your home, such as the Monstera siltepecana.

The Monstera siltepecana isn’t as common as other types of Monstera plants, but it has just as much potential to brighten up your space. Plus, it is relatively easy to take care of.

Keep reading to learn more about Monstera siltepecana plant care and other aspects of this unique Monstera variety.

What is a Monstera Siltepecana?

Before jumping into Monstera siltepecana, it’s important to learn about the basics of this Monstera plant.

The Monstera siltepecana, also known as the Silver Monstera, isn’t as popular as other types of plants in this genus, partly because it isn’t as easy to find.

The Monstera siltepecana is primarily found in Central America and Mexico, meaning it is used to a tropical climate. In its natural habitat, this plant will climb up trees.

One thing to note is that the Monstera siltepecana has smaller leaves than other Monstera plants, but they’re just as interesting. In its juvenile form, the plant’s leaves start off the greyish green with dark veins, but as it ages, its leaves turn dark green.

A Monstera siltepecana leaf will also develop holes in the midrib and become more abundant as the plant matures. If the plant is grown with support, the leaves will mature. If it grows without support, the Monstera leaves will stay in their juvenile form.

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Monstera siltepecana plants are versatile and can be grown in a variety of ways, including:

  • In a traditional planter
  • In a hanging basket
  • In a terrarium
  • Climbing up a support

Let’s dive deeper into the steps that go into Monstera siltepecana care.

Monstera Siltepecana Care

Since this plant is so versatile, Monstera siltepecana care actually isn’t too difficult.

Here are the basics of taking care of a Monstera siltepecana plant.


Monstera siltepecana plants like bright, indirect light, and lots of it. This tropical plant can handle some direct light at certain points in the day, such as the morning, but make sure to limit its exposure to direct sunlight to only a few hours a day so as not to negatively impact the leaves.

The Monstera siltepecana plant can also handle partial or full shade, but these lighting conditions are not good for optimal growth. For best results, place your Monstera siltepecana plant near an East-facing window.


Monstera siltepecana plants grow quickly, so if you get a new one, you’ll probably need to report it sooner than later.

The best soil for Monstera siltepecana is a well-draining soil mix. You can purchase a ready-made potting mix, or you can make your own using a normal soil mix and bark or perlite.

Proper soil allows your Monstera siltepecana to have proper drainage and access the right amount of oxygen. Dense soil is detrimental to your plant’s growth, as this plant is not used to having its roots covered in a lot of soil.

If you want to fertilize your Monstera siltepecana, use a liquid fertilizer and dilute it by half. You should fertilize your plant more in the summer than you do in the winter months.

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Since the Monstera siltepecana is used to a tropical climate, this plant loves water. However, it’s important that you avoid overwatering your plant, as it may cause root rot.

Every few days, check the topsoil of your plant to see how moist it is. If it feels damp, your Monstera siltepecana is in need of water. You never want the topsoil to be completely dry, or else your indoor plant may not be getting enough water.

Underwatering your plant will cause the leaves to turn yellow and brown, and even dry out. It’s important to keep up with your watering routine, as your Monstera siltepecana can dry out very quickly.

Proper drainage is also key to making sure that your Monstera siltepecana does not sit in water and become oversaturated. Use a pot with drainage holes to make this process easier.

When you water your Monstera siltepecana, keep going until you see water escaping the drainage holes. Give your plant a little bit of time to absorb the water and, as the last step, discard the excess water.

Generally, your Monstera siltepecana doesn’t need to be watered more than once a week, and you can water it less if you live somewhere humid.


As with most tropical plants, the Monstera siltepecana loves humidity. This means that a dry climate is less than ideal circumstances for your Monstera siltepecana to really thrive.

Luckily, if you keep up with proper watering and provide enough light, your Monstera siltepecana should survive in a drier climate. However, if you really want to ensure that it grows, using a humidifier will provide your Monstera siltepecana with that extra bit of moisture it needs.

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If you don’t want to get a humidifier, you can also try putting your Monstera siltepecana in a bathroom with a window, occasionally misting it with water, or grouping it with other plants to increase the overall humidity of the area.

Beyond humidity, make sure that you keep your Monstera siltepecana in a room with a decent temperature, somewhere that’s between 50-95 degrees Fahrenheit.


If you like the look of Monstera plants and want something that’s not as common as the Monstera deliciosa, the Monstera siltepecana might be the perfect plant for you.

The Monstera siltepecana has a lot of the qualities we love about Monstera plants, but it has unique-looking leaves that perfectly stand out from the crowd. It’s also an easy plant to care for, making it great for all levels of plant owners.

With so much versatility in how you can grow it, you’ll definitely find a way to make the Monstera siltepecana fit into your home.