If you are looking for an easy-to-maintain, fast-growing, tropical viny plant to spice up your home, the Mini Monstera may be just what you need.
This plant is growing in popularity, serving as a live, natural, and versatile way to decorate
just about any space with ease. If you follow the care instructions provided in this article, you will find the Mini Monstera is one of best options on the market today.
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What is a Mini Monstera (Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma)
A mini Monstera, also known as a Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma (say that 10 times fast), is a fast-growing tropical vine that sprouts heart-shaped leaves with sections cut into them, making it look like portions were removed.
This plant looks very similar to the Monstera Deliciosa or Split Leaf Philodendron, which is how it got its nickname. Although it may share the Monstera name, it definitely isn’t very similar in size, as this plant only gets to a fraction of the height, not growing much bigger than a foot on average.
Aside from its size, this plant is very similar to other tropical vegetation that grows in the Americas in tropical environments and requires specific care for a healthy, thriving plant.
Although care for this plant may be slightly different from other house plants, it doesn’t mean they are more work. Actually, these plants are pretty easy to care for with their low maintenance and versatile components.
Caring For Your Mini Monstera
As we mentioned above, the Mini Monstera is very similar to the actual Monstera or Split Leaf Philodendron and requires the same basic care instructions as well.
To grow a thriving, healthy, and beautiful Mini Monstera, check out these top tips and tricks used frequently for the best results.
Your Mini Monstera requires potting soil with really good drainage in order to provide the roots with plenty of oxygen. You can either purchase an organic-base, rich, loamy soil, or you can use regular soil and add some peat moss or wood shavings to aid with drainage.
Because the Mini Monstera grows on the bottom layers of the rain forest, providing them with the same soil and organic matters can help keep your plant as healthy as possible.
Like other tropical plants, your Monstera needs a decent amount of water to survive. However, too much water and will suffer quickly. A good rule of thumb when watering a mini Monstera is to give it a good helping of water, then wait for the potting soil to start drying out before adding any more. The soil should be moist but not soaked.
Another good tip to remember when watering your Mini monstera is to keep the water at room temperature.
Light is extremely important for the Mini Monstera to thrive as a house plant. Placing the pot in a location that will provide plenty of indirect sunlight is going to recreate the lighting provided in its native home.
If you are looking for a healthy growing plant with large, luscious leaves, adding a humidifier can give you just that. If you don’t have access to a humidifier, you can simply use a spray bottle to give your plant a nice mist once in a while.
During the growing seasons, fertilizing your plant once or twice a month will benefit its development and growth.
Use a simple, balanced fertilizer, but only add in half the recommended diluted product as this plant already grows rather rapidly.
Can You Re-pot a Mini Monstera?
Absolutely, re-potting a Mini Monstera is just as easy as any other house plant as long as you follow the proper instructions. Honestly, repotting is necessary in order to keep your tropical friend thriving.
To re-pot, your mini Monstera, prepare a new pot that is about three-to-five inches bigger than the old one and add in a new batch of fresh soil.
Carefully remove the plant from the old planter and remove extra access dirt, and with Sharp gardening sheers, remove dead or soggy roots.
Place the plant into the new pot, adding more soil if needed, then give it a big drink of water to help it recover from the move. Then, simply follow the maintenance rules already provided.
How To Prune a Mini Monstera
Pruning a Mini Monstera is important to keep the leaves and branches under control. However, it needs to be done carefully to limit any stress causing the plant’s growth to slow down and become stunted.
You should only have to prune your Monstera once every year or two to keep the plant from growing out of control and make room for newer, healthier growth to come through.
Mini Monstera FAQs
While this plant is pretty simple to maintain, there are a few things to consider before rushing off to your local nursery.
What Diseases Should You Watch For in a Mini Monstera?
The Mini Monstera is a fairly hard plant that doesn’t require much maintenance and won’t succumb to many complications. However, there are three diseases that you should always keep an eye out for.
- Root Rot – Root Rot occurs when you overwater your plant, and the roots cannot access oxygen. Your roots will eventually die and start to mold, which will end up killing the plant.
- Powdery Mildew – Powdery mildew is a form of mildew that can grow on the plant leaves and will start to fade the color and kill its leaves.
- Leaf spots – Leaf spots are formed with a buildup of mildew on the leaves, turning the tips black and forming holes.
Are Insects a Problem for Mini Monsteras?
The Mini Monstera is pretty good at fending insects off all on its own; however, these plants seem to be really attractive to spider mites. Neem oil is a simple and easy way to ward these pests off.
Are Mini Monsteras Toxic?
The Mini Monstera plant contains Calcium Oxalate Crystals that are toxic to pets and animals and can create a rash or irritation when handled. Keep this plant away from nosy pets, little children, and wear gloves when handling it if you have sensitive skin.
Summing Things Up
If you are looking for a beautiful tropical plant that doesn’t get very big and is easy to maintain, the Mini Monstera is the best option out there. In the right conditions, your Monstera can bring a natural yet elegant look to any space, whether you are looking to spruce up an office desk or your bathroom shelves.