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Marble Queen Pothos Care – A Complete Guide

Marble Queen Pothos

The Marble Queen Pothos is one of the most beginner-friendly indoor plants you can grow. Not only are they a forgiving houseplant that requires very little maintenance, but they can also add an eye-catching splash of color to any room.

The fact that their iconic, heart-shaped leaves have a pleasant creamy white and green color, means the Marble Queen Pothos looks great with any type of decor.

To help you get the most out of this popular type of houseplant, we are going to explain everything you need to know about caring for a Marble Queen Pothos plant. On top of that, we will also explain how you can arrange these plants to create a dramatic and pleasant atmosphere inside your home or office.

Why Choose a Marble Queen Pothos Plant?

Before we get into our complete care guide, we will explain why the Marble Queen Pothos indoor plant is such a great choice for both beginners and experienced indoor gardeners.

Forgiving Nature

As mentioned above, the Marble Queen Pothos is one of the least demanding houseplants you can buy. They tend to be very forgiving if you forget to water them on time, and they can thrive in both bright and low light conditions.

Air-purifying Qualities

The Marble Queen Pothos house plant is also known to pull toxins out of the air, which is another reason they work so well in indoor spaces. With that being said, be careful if you have curious pets or young children, as the Pothos leaves can be mildly toxic when they are ingested.

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The Marble Queen Pothos is also a very versatile houseplant. Whether you prefer to use a hanging basket to add color and contrast to your walls, or you would prefer the plant to grow in a pot, the Marble Queen Pothos will do well in either situation.

Since the leaf-covered vines can dangle or climb, many people position their Marble Queen Pothos on a tall shelf and let the vines spread downward to create a wild and tropical atmosphere.

Marble Queen Pothos Care Guide

Now that you know why they continue to be so popular, we can go over some care tips you can follow to help your Marble Queen thrive.

Placement Options and Light Requirements

As we discussed above, the Marble Queen Pothos can be placed in a variety of locations. If you prefer a pot, they can grow on shelves, countertops, or directly on the floor; however, most people will raise the pot off the floor with a plant stand, as the vines have a tendency to creep across the ground if they can reach it.

The main thing to keep in mind is the amount of light your chosen location receives. Despite their tropical appearance, the Marble Queen Pothos actually prefers indirect, natural light, rather than direct sunlight.

This is because the leaves are susceptible to leaf burn if they are exposed to an overabundance of direct sunlight. This means you should avoid placing your plant directly on a windowsill, especially if that window is exposed to significant amounts of bright light.

While they prefer plenty of bright, yet indirect sunlight, the Marble Queen can actually do quite well in low light locations. Some people even find they grow well in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas of the house that do not have many windows.

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Water Requirements

While you might assume that a big, leafy plant like the Marble Queen Pothos would require plenty of water, they actually prefer when the potting mix is somewhat dry.

When you water your Marble Queen, check the top few inches of soil to make sure they have dried out. You can do this by sticking your finger into the soil to check for signs of moisture, or by crumbling a small clump of the soil between your fingers. Either way should give you an idea about when it is the right time to water your plant.

You should water the soil directly, rather than allowing the water to cover the leaves. This will allow it to penetrate the soil and actually reach the roots.

Most people find that their Marble Queen needs to be watered roughly twice per week; however, how frequently you water your plant will depend on several factors, including how humid or dry the room is, how much sunlight your plant receives, and how large it is.

Soil Requirements

The Marble Queen Pothos isn’t overly picky when it comes to soil. With that said, they prefer loose, well-draining potting soil, as this helps prevent root rot, which all Pothos plants are susceptible to.

While they can thrive in soil that is rich in nutrients, they also do quite well in average-quality soil, especially if they are watered appropriately and receive plenty of indirect sunlight.

Temperature and Humidity Requirements

Like most houseplants, the Marble Queen Pothos prefers stable temperatures. While they are fairly resilient, they tend to do best when the surrounding air temperature is somewhere in the range between 60- and 80-degrees Fahrenheit.

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In terms of humidity tolerance, the Marble Queen can thrive in a variety of conditions. While they are tropical plants and prefer high humidity levels, you will not have to use a humidifier to keep your plant happy. Most homes and office buildings have appropriate humidity levels for the Marble Queen to thrive.

Other Marble Queen Pothos Care Tips

If you want your Marble Queen to fill out, you may want to consider rotating the plant on occasion. This will encourage more even growth, as it will ensure more of the leaves get sunlight exposure.

Some people find Pothos plants can get a little bit lop-sided, as the vines facing the sun will grow much longer than those that are facing the other direction. Rotating your plant on a monthly basis will also help to correct this issue.

In terms of fertilizer requirements, most Marble Queens can get enough nutrients from the soil they are grown in; however, if you want your plant to have a lusher appearance, you can use a portion of basic, liquid plant food. Just make sure you dilute it to about half of the recommended strength, as leafy plants are susceptible to leaf burn if they are given too much fertilizer. Adding fertilizer once per month is plenty.