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Why are Trees Uprooted during a Storm?

There is a windy relationship between the storm and the tree from the very beginning. The wind is one of the most influential and unpredictable disasters of mother nature, which cause harm to trees.

Trees are a constant element of the earth that has been used to measure the velocity and strength of the wind so that we can save ourselves. But wind storms make the trees uprooted and cause severe harm. Sometimes the unpredictable force of wind cause the trees to be uprooted, crack, break trunks, etc.

This article will discuss why trees are uprooted during a storm, exploring some key reasons. So, stay tuned with Treeguider and read through the article.

Why do trees in urban landscapes suffer when exposed to storms?

Trees that are planted in urban areas close to buildings are not able to grow as they should. They can’t grow their roots strongly because of over-trimming and other actions caused by utility companies resulting lack of proper roots to prevent harm during storms.

Another significant fact is trees planted in urban landscapes can’t get enough sunlight making them lose strength and weak to prevent blowdown. If the urban trees could grow their roots to every side instead of one side and get enough sunlight, they become healthy and get flex. Roots and tree flex play a significant role in preventing harm like uprootment when exposed to storms.

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Why are trees Uprooted During a Storm?

If you have ever tried to clear a tree stamp, you should know how strong and extensive tree roots are. But still, why do a lot of trees become up uprooted while exposed to storms?

This part of the article will explore several reasons trees become uprooted. Check these out below-

Speed of Wind

High-speed wind is a significant reason why trees become uprooted. If the wind speed is 75mph or more, it can easily uproot a normal healthy tree, especially when it is leafed.

Soil Condition

Usually, a tree tries to sink its roots as deep as it can into the soil and spread. But sometimes it can’t because of highly clayed soil, which is hard to penetrate.

In addition, if the soil is so sandy, it can’t provide much cling to tree roots; even heavy rain and flood can loosen up the root soils. This situation can cause trees to become uprooted.

Location of the Tree

The trees that are located inside a forest, groves, or in a protected structure are mostly safe from wind storms. On the other hand, the trees planted in urban landscapes and hilltops are especially not protected from high-wind storms. Most trees that become uprooted are located in urban landscapes.

Type of the Tree

Several types of trees have highly resistant to wind storms. On the other hand, several trees, like soft wooden pine trees, are less resistant to wind storms. A tree that is fully leafed-out is more wind resistant as they have dropped its leaves.

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Tree Health

Healthy trees are more wind resistant than weakened trees. And if you want a healthy tree, you must take care of it, like protecting it from pests and diseases. Trees have some root diseases that remain hidden for years and spread silently. On the other hand, it may have diseases with leaves upside down; then you should find why do leaves turn upside down.

If mushrooms are on tree roots, it’s a sign that it has been compromised, and you should treat your tree. In these conditions, trees become weakened and become uprooted during the wind.


Can I save a partially uprooted tree?

If the uprooted tree has half or more roots attached to the soil, you can possibly save it by replanting. Carefully pull the tree to its position before adequately covering the exposed roots with soil, then water it. But if the tree is taller than 10 feet, it is harder to save.

How long does an uprooted tree live?

How long an uprooted tree will live will depend on the tree’s condition and the weather. If the weather is scorching, an uprooted tree will within one or two days. But if the tree has no severe damage, it can possibly survive.