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Flapjacks Succulent Care & Growing – The Ultimate Guide

Flapjacks Succulent Care & Growing - The Ultimate Guide

You don’t have to have a green thumb to grow and care for a Flapjack Succulent successfully. These plants are hardy, durable, and low-maintenance, making them one of the best plants for a summer garden or as a little extra decor in your home.

If you are interested in adding this kind of succulent plant to your collection, read this article for the best tips and tricks for growing a strong, indoor plant and providing the best environments for it to thrive.

What is a Flapjack Succulent (Kalanchoe luciae)?

A Flapjack succulent, also commonly referred to as a paddle plant, is a heat-loving, drought-hardy plant that can be grown indoors or outside.

While the Flapjack can serve as a house plant, it needs plenty of bright sunlight, albeit indirect sunlight, and little chance of the temperature falling too much below 60°F, basically meaning it requires Florida-type climates in order to survive.

This plant showcases big, attractive, thick green leaves that grow in an elongated oval-like shape. When the cooler weather hits, a succulent leaf tends to turn a pinkish-red color, giving the leaf a look similar to a pancake, or flapjack.

Growing a Flapjack Succulent Indoor and Out

As mentioned above, you can grow a flapjack plant indoors or outside, and both options are possible and pretty similar. In this article, we will provide you with information on how to do both, along with some tips and tricks along the way.

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How to Grow a Flapjack Succulent Indoors

Growing Flapjack plants indoors is the most common way to take care of these succulents. This is because you can control the environment and protect them from colder weather.

All you really need to grow a Flapjack in a planter inside your house is the proper-sized container, sandy succulent soil for easy drainage, some organic compound for nutrients, and a nice cozy spot in front of a window or lighting source.

Succulents do not do well in colder temperatures, so never let the space get below 60°F. The area should also never see temperatures high than 85°F. If you reside in a location where the summers get extremely hot, try keeping a fan in the room or at the very least provide extra water to the plant daily.

When watering a Succulent potted plant, only give it what it needs. Your Flapjack will only require water when the potting mix is completely dried out.

Overwatering these plants is one of the top reasons they end up dying. Without proper drainage and too much water, the roots will literally be drowned. This is going to kill the roots, causing root rot (the dead roots begin to rot and mold). The disease will travel up the succulent, eventually killing it.

How to Grow a Flapjack Succulent outdoors

Outdoors, Flapjack Succulents can grow up to two feet tall and should be planted in a location where they will receive full sun, with partial shade as the sun starts to set in the afternoon.

This plant is native to South Africa, giving you a good idea of the environment it needs to thrive. It does best in hardiness zone 9-11 and requires sandy, gritty soil with good drainage.

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Make sure your plant is located in an area where there is not a lot of foot traffic or animal activity, and be sure not to pack the soil in tight when planting your succulent as this can reduce the quality of drainage.

Because these plants are drought-tolerant, you should be careful when watering them, even in extremely high temperatures.

Give them a good soak once when they need it, then wait for the soil to appear completely dry before watering it again. During the cooler months, you will dramatically reduce the amount of water these plants receive, at times, not needing to water them at all.

Lastly, Flapjacks enjoy a good meal or two during the warmer months. Giving them a helping of diluted fertilizer during the spring and summer will nourish the plants and help them grow.

FlapJack Succulent Care FAQs

While Flapjacks are pretty simple to care for, there are still a few things to consider when maintaining these plants. Here are a few of the more common questions and answers.

Do Flapjack Plants Have A Lot Of Pest Problems?

Flapjacks do not usually have very many issues with bugs and don’t normally die or become damaged because of them. However, you do have to keep a close eye on your Flapjack and remove any bugs that may be roaming around.

What is the White Powdery Substance on My Flapjack Succulent?

Often, people start to panic when they see a white powdery film on their Flapjack plant. However, it is nothing to be concerned about. This white powder (known as bloom) is natural and plays an important role, protecting the plant from sunlight and water.

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If you notice this substance is wearing away, it is a good indication you are handling it too often.

Are Flapjack Succulents Toxic?

Yes, a Flapjack leaf is poisonous to pets, according to the ASPCA. If you have a succulent in your home, keep an eye on your cats and dogs, as these plants are known to cause vomiting and diarrhea when ingested.

How Can You Tell it is Time to Repot Your Flapjack Succulent?

You should re-pot your Flapjack plant every year or two, or if you start to notice roots growing out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

Repotting your plant will give it room to grow and will help aid in propagation.

How Much Water Should You Give A Flapjack Succulent?

Flapjacks don’t need a ton of water to live comfortably; however, they also can’t go too long without water without dying. The amount of water you plant needs depends on the conditions it is in, but a good rule of thumb is to only water the plant when the soil is totally dried up.

Summing Things Up

The Flapjack Succulent is a low-maintenance, easy-to-grow plant that provides a gorgeous look to any garden or room. As long as you care for this plant properly, you will be able to enjoy it for many years.