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Split Leaf Philodendron Care: 5 Best Tips for a Thriving Plant

If you’re looking for a plant with large, textured, dramatic leaves, then the Split Leaf Philodendron is the choice for you. This plant looks great in many settings and is simple to take care of, which explains why it’s been one of the most popular houseplants in the past few years.
Are you considering joining the club and getting one of these majestic plants for your home? Keep reading to learn more about Split Leaf Philodendron care and find out why this houseplant is as popular as it is.

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Dracaena Janet Craig Compacta – Growing and Care Guide

The Dracaena Janet Craig has been a popular houseplant for many decades. These tropical plants have surprisingly low maintenance requirements, and they can even thrive in low-light conditions, which partially explains why they are so popular.

While you may be more familiar with the larger variety, which tends to be used as a full-sized floor plant in homes and offices, the Dracaena Janet Craig Compacta, which is a much smaller version, is quickly growing in popularity.

As the name suggests, the Dracaena Compacta gets its name from the fact that it is smaller and more compact than other plants in the Dracaena family.

To help you understand why the Dracaena Janet Craig Compacta could be right for you, we are going to explain everything you need to know about this Dracaena plant. Not only will we describe why this indoor plant makes such an excellent option for inexperienced and experienced gardeners alike, we will also provide a full growing and care guide for these unique little plants!

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How Often to Water Dracaena – Growing Information and Tips

If you are looking for a houseplant that requires very little maintenance and does well in low-light, indoor environments, it is definitely worth taking a look at plants within the Dracaena family.

Dracaenas have been one of the most popular types of indoor plants for decades. In fact, you have probably seen them dotted around everywhere from office buildings to shopping malls. Not only do these popular indoor plants have a vibrant and tropical appearance, they can add a nice splash of color to any indoor space.

The fact that these eye-catching plants are easy to care for and they have the ability to thrive without much exposure to sunlight means they are perfect for indoor gardeners of all experience levels.

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Pothos Yellow Leaves – What Your Pothos is Trying to Tell You

Pothos plants truly are the perfect option for indoor gardeners of all skill levels. The bright green, heart-shaped leaves grow on long, tumbling vines, so even a single Pothos can give your space an exciting and tropical atmosphere.

Not only do they look great, they are incredibly easy to care for. The plants require very little maintenance and they can usually bounce back from short-term neglect. However, one common issue with all types of Pothos plants is the yellowing leaves.

If you have noticed an increase in the number of yellow leaves on your Pothos, we are here to help! Not only will we explain what this common issue means for the overall health of your plant, we will explain how you can correct the problem and help restore your house plant back to its natural, vibrant green color.

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How Often Should I Water My Aloe Plant? – Here is the Answer

Aloe Vera truly is one of the incredible houseplants you can grow. While many people grow them just for their aesthetic value, Aloe Vera plants have also been cultivated for thousands of years for their medicinal value.

One of the other charms of the Aloe Vera plant is the fact that it requires very little maintenance. While it is relatively easy to help your Aloe Vera plant thrive inside your home, some people are unsure how often they should water this unique little succulent.
If you are unsure how to care for your Aloe Vera plant, or you just want to know more about basic maintenance tips, you have come to the right place. We will quickly explain an appropriate watering schedule, as well as highlight other important tips you can follow to care for your Aloe plant.

Read More about How Often Should I Water My Aloe Plant? – Here is the Answer

Why Are My Snake Plant Leaves Falling Over? Everything You Need to Know

The snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) is one of the easiest houseplants to care for, which is part of the reason why it is so popular amongst beginners and experienced indoor gardeners alike. Not only do these rugged plants require very little maintenance, but they can also add plenty of color and character to any room.

While they are a notoriously forgiving houseplant, their distinct, upright leaves have a tendency to lean and eventually fall over. If you are wondering why your snake plant’s pointy leaves seem to be bending and collapsing, we can help!

Read More about Why Are My Snake Plant Leaves Falling Over? Everything You Need to Know

Why Your Aloe Plant is Turning Brown & How to Fix it

Aloe Vera Plants are extremely popular indoor succulents. Not only do they have an attractive appearance that can add character and color to any indoor space, but the juice within their leaves can also be used to treat and relieve pain caused by burns, cuts, and even bug bites.

While the Aloe Vera plant is relatively easy to grow, some indoor gardeners find that the leaves can turn brown and mushy. If you see your Aloe Vera plant suffers from discolored and droopy leaves filled with brown spots, we are here to help!

Not only will we explain the reasons for your Aloe Plant turning brown, but we will also explain how you can quickly and effectively correct the issue. By following the basic instructions listed below, you will be able to help your little succulent thrive!

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Ficus Tineke Care – Beginner Friendly Plant & Easy to Care For

A rubber plant is a timeless classic. Whether you are an experienced indoor gardener or you are just a beginner that is simply looking for an attractive, low-maintenance houseplant, a rubber plant can be the perfect choice!

One particular type of rubber plant, the Ficus Tineke, or variegated rubber tree, as it is also known, offers an incredible amount of color and character to any indoor space. Best of all, they are completely beginner-friendly, meaning they are a forgiving houseplant that requires very little maintenance.

If you would like to know more about these attractive yet simple indoor plants, we are here to help. By reading through our Ficus Tineke care guide, you will learn everything you need to know to help your little rubber tree thrive!

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Marble Queen Pothos Care – A Complete Guide

The Marble Queen Pothos is one of the most beginner-friendly indoor plants you can grow. Not only are they a forgiving houseplant that requires very little maintenance, but they can also add an eye-catching splash of color to any room.

The fact that their iconic, heart-shaped leaves have a pleasant creamy white and green color, means the Marble Queen Pothos looks great with any type of decor.

To help you get the most out of this popular type of houseplant, we are going to explain everything you need to know about caring for a Marble Queen Pothos plant. On top of that, we will also explain how you can arrange these plants to create a dramatic and pleasant atmosphere inside your home or office.

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Best Soil to Grow an Avocado Indoors: A Comprehensive Guide

Avocado trees have shallow roots. Its feeder roots are in the first six inches of soil. They require excellent aeration to thrive and a lot of garden space. They need full sun to produce large fruits, and the soil is the most important factor for fruit growth.

They can be grown both in a garden, yard, or as an indoor container plant. Each way of planting them comes with special considerations when it comes to the needs of the soil.

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