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How to clean cupboards after pest control?

It is annoying to have those creepy pests like rats, ants, pantry pests, and rodents which can make your kitchen messy. These pests can also damage household items like furniture and spread contiguous diseases within your family. No one will want these harmful creatures in their kitchen or house. That’s why pest control is not only important but crucial.

Pest control service plays a massive role in eliminating pests in your home, but we must ensure that our households, like cupboards, are safe to use. If you don’t properly clean the cupboard after applying pest control methods, you and your family may have severe health risks.

Thus, learning how to clean cupboards after pest control is necessary. This article will help you properly clean your kitchen and house cupboards with easy-to-follow methods.

How long after control can I clean house?

Seeking help from a pest control service is crucial if you want an insect and pest-free environment at your home. You can find many pest control service in Dhaka. However, if you are concerned about the safety of your home, you will be happy to know that pest control services are safe; you just have to follow some instructions provided by pest control professionals.

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In most cases, you don’t need to leave your home during pest control. But you cannot clean it immediately after applying the pest control service. Depending on the treatment used, the timing for cleaning your house after pest control can vary. You have to let it dry first. For this, you must maintain a schedule and detailed plan for cleaning.

How to clean your kitchen cupboard after pest control?

The kitchen cabinet or cupboard is the pests’ favorite place to stay and hide. The reason behind this is nothing but food resources. After applying for pest control service, you might forget this place while cleaning. That’s why don’t overlook the kitchen cabinet while cleaning. 

Follow the guide below to clean the cupboard or cabinet in your kitchen efficiently after pest control.

1.  Clean the waste food.

Before starting a pest control session, you should clean your kitchen properly. But if, unfortunately, you forget to throw out the leftover food from your kitchen cabinet, throw it out immediately.

The foods inside your kitchen cupboard can be toxic even if the pest control service agent use organic chemical during pest control treatment. So, if you have foods, including fruits, vegetables, and even intact snacks, in your cupboard, you should throw them out.

2.  Keep your consumables organized.

 One of the benefits of taking pest control services is the chance of re-arranging your kitchen cupboard again. Before pest control, you had to remove all the consumables from the closet. That means you can re-organize your consumables in your empty cupboard together.

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Keeping your consumables properly will make your cupboard look aesthetic and keep pests away. It is recommended to keep your foods and other consumables in uniform without their paper and plastic packets. You should keep papers away from your kitchen because it becomes food for some pests.

3.  Check out if any pests left after the pest control

You should look out for leftover pests inside your cupboard. Some pests may still take shelter in your closet after pest control service. You may also find dead pests inside the cupboard. So, ensure no pest is alive or dead inside your kitchen cabinet.

4.  Fix the holes properly.

There might be some holes inside your cupboard’s corder on other sides. This is the path that pests use to get into your cupboard and take shelter. So, you should cover the holes to stop pests inside your cupboard.

5.  Wipe down the complete cupboard.

The cupboard inside your cupboard is the most neglected area in your kitchen. You must keep it clean, dry, and clean so pests don’t catch your attention.

However, you should wipe out and clean your cupboard after applying pest control treatment. Firstly, you should get a sponge and cleaning solution. Take some cleaning solution on the sponge and clean the complete cupboard thoroughly.


What is the best way to disinfect cupboards?

The best way to disinfect the cupboards is to clean the cupboard’s surface with water and disinfectant. Just take the solution and wipe  down the cupboard thoroughly.

How long after pest control can I clean the house?

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Depending on the pest control treatment used, the proper time for cleaning pest control can vary. But it’s safe to clean 1 or 2 days after pest control. 

However, if the pest control technician like pest control dhaka has provided you with some instructions about cleaning to ensure effectiveness, you should follow the recommendations.

What to expect after pest control treatment?

After pest control, you can expect to see some rats or cockroaches leftover and running in your kitchen. However, it can be effect of slow-powering pest control chemicals that allow the pests to return to their home and kill the entire colony.